How I Became a Medium
I’ll go first. I’d like to share with you how I became a medium.
My Story
I was born a Medium. However, it was a long journey before I understood my abilities and learned how to use them. As a child, I exhibited a great deal of anxiety, moodiness, and was easily drained around people. I later discovered I was empathetic and could feel and absorb other’s energy, as if it were my own. Before I realized my empathic abilities and how to manage my energy, the overwhelm caused me to retreat from, or act out towards, others to protect myself.
I was homeless when, at the young and tender age of fourteen, I saw Spirit for the first time. My boyfriend had been hospitalized from a serious car accident, in which the driver was killed. While my boyfriend was in the hospital, I stayed with his brother. During a conversation at the brother’s house, I looked in a mirror and saw the driver who died looking back at me. I promptly ran out of the house and did not return. The shock of seeing the Spirit of a person who passed away was overwhelming. In that moment, I realized I was a spiritual person, but wasn’t yet ready to handle it.

In my thirties, I encountered issues, one of them being my kidneys. which required major surgery. I endured complications and almost died. I spent many days in the hospital recovering. My stay was long enough to have four roommates come and go.
Interestingly, each one of them approached my bedside, held my hand, and prayed for my recovery, as they were discharged from the hospital. During this time I fought for her life, thinking only of my children. I called on God and made a deal with Him. “If you get me through this, I promise I’ll learn about my gift.”
I made a full recovery, and keeping my promise to God, I began performing Tarot card readings for others. I learned about crystals, chakras, essential oils and oil therapy. I learned about spirituality from listening to the speakers on Hay House Radio. Soon I no longer needed Tarot cards to give readings, and was reading for people using only my intuitive skills.
I called into many of the Hay House Radio shows and was lucky enough to have my calls taken by several speakers, who are master teachers. I spoke with Doreen Virtue. Doreen informed me that I am a natural healer. Doreen helped me clear my aura and chakras, which released some residual fears of communicating with Spirit. Another time I spoke with John Holland. He brought through my grandmother, and shared that my grandmother and I share the same gift. A third time I reached Lisa Williams, where I was told to continue my efforts of developing my gifts, because I am a Medium. All these affirmations by multiple sources allowed me to embrace my gift more completely.
I became a Reiki Master and started healing myself and others. As a result, I began to see Spirit, in addition to my guides. I watched Lisa Williams and Long Island Medium on television, and could not stop crying during the shows. I kept noticing owls everywhere, which I later learned is a sign from one of my guides.
At one point I questioned, is Mediumship consistent with the work of God? Is it in alignment with God’s work, and not against it? I prayed for a month to find out. I received my answer when I began to see Spirit with more clarity.
Afterwards, I went to a Medium for a reading. Instead of providing a reading, the Medium told me I am a Medium, and brought in the receptionist for me to read. The Medium assisted me through the reading process for the receptionist.
One day, information on the Lisa Williams Advanced Mediumship course presented itself and I didn’t have the money budgeted to enroll in the course. Just before the deadline, the money to pay for it appeared unexpectedly, enabling me to take the course. I completed the course and became a Certified Medium and Spiritual Adviser through the program. I have since then worked with the Internationally Renowned Spiritual Psychic Mediums Tony Stockwell and Mavis Pittilla.
I truly enjoy sharing my story to help other people. I am so thankful that God uses me as a vessel to do His work. Being a Medium is my life. I am here to give and act as an extension of God’s heart and eyes. My mission is “I’m here to love others until they begin to love themselves.”

I have been working with Lillian Suarez for just a few short weeks and it is amazing how much she has taught me already! I have learned more in this short time then I had in years of reading and self teaching. She has taught me not only how to connect but how very important it is for self care in this field. She pushes me to continue to better myself (which I am always excited to do!) but is also there for me when I have questions or need guidance. I cannot thank Lillian enough for her help in my mediumship work! She has truly been a blessing to me.
Are you looking for a great teacher? I feel honored to have the opportunity to mentor with Lillian and thoroughly enjoy her classes, workshops, assignments and guidance. She knows her students on a soul level not just our names. Above all, Lillian is kind and does not exert a hierarchy type of leadership. She asks for input, feedback, and suggestions from her students and comes back to us with new ideas, tools and practices! The Spirit World is evolving and so is Mediumship. The older styles of Mediumship are a great foundation but if you want to really understand what’s happening and push through barriers Lillian is your best bet!
Thank you, truly, for all that you are, all that you have done for me. You have both changed my life. I am grateful for your teaching & my development & growth in Mediumship this past year. I always feel like I am in good hands with you & I know that I will continue to grow with both of you.
Because of you, I have healed tremendously. My loss will always be there, and I’m ok with that. My heart & mind are in a better place than it was. That all happened through your guidance!!
This weekend was incredible! Loved the exercises, being able to connect with more people... and of course, seeing you!!
I met Lillian Suarez almost 2 years ago when I went to her for a reading. She was amazing!! Her love,compassion and spirit shined so bright, I just knew I had to work with her. I started with Reiki sessions not expecting much. But the beautiful changes in my life Reiki gave me were so powerful. I continued with classes to learn Reiki from Lily. Which motivated me to take her Beginners course in mediumship and then Intermediate class. Lily is an amazing Teacher. Her love for teaching shows. She is doing this because she truly loves and cares for everyone. She wants to see everyone succeed! Lily simplifies everything for you. And before you know it you are giving readings right there in class!!
I was only going to do one of Lillian’s courses, but ended up doing them all. I love her vibrant energy, her down-to-earth nature, her honesty, openness and the wealth of information she imparts. Would highly recommend any of her classes. You’ll be guaranteed lots of information and lots of fun.
This weekend and everyone in that room created an experience of love at an ultra high vibration with roots to ground for a long time to come!
Even though I had to travel on NY expressways (“express” should never be used to describe and highway in Long Island) and the Hilton Hotel cost double the course, I’d do it again in a heartbeat! Besides, the tow expense I see no better way to spend some of it than to evolve with her. As a matter of fact, I now recall inviting my mom over a year ago to join with me and become part of my spiritual team so we could work together like never before!
I didn’t make it easy to get me there either! Spirit worked through for months to get me to commit! What an amazing weekend of healing, love, beautiful souls, and transformation! I give it 5 out of 5 roses!🌹🌹🌹🌹
Thank you all for allowing me to explore spirit with you. Truly an honor and a privilege 💝
God willing I’ll be there next year too 💫